Antique Pictorial Rugs

    Showing 1–16 of 81 results

    Antique Pictorial Rugs. “Pictorial” rugs, i.e. carpets with human or zoomorphic subjects, represent a very sophisticated and decidedly rare production compared to the canonical motifs used in the various carpet productions, not only Persian but also Turkish, Caucasian, Afghan, Chinese and Tibetan. These rare carpets are true works of art. Here, the carpets are “designed” with a very different style reproducing charachters of the Persian epic, religious subjects and very impressive lanscapes.  In this section, dedicated to “figurative” or “pictorial” carpets, you will find carpets and fabrics coming from different geographical areas and subjects of both a religious and historical nature, or you will find episodes of epic epics immortalized. Among Chinese, Turkish and Persian carpets, the rarity of these carpets allows us to appreciate not only the technical ability of these productions but also the particular attention to detail which, especially in small-sized carpets, is decidedly one of the highest. If you are looking for a pictorial rug, in this special section dedicated to pictorial rugs, you’ll be astonished of quantity and varuety of these special rugs, made for special occasions.